The dying Sino-Tibetian language of Pakistan

Balti is the only Sino-Tibetian language spoken in Pakistan. It is widely spoken in the Baltistan division of Pakistan .It is  different from the Standard Tibetian. Balti can be credited as the real retainer of old Tibetian language . It also has a simple pitch accent system only in multi syllabic words.
It is believe that this language came to Baltistan during the 7th century AD when the Tibetian kingdom was at 
it's glory. As soon as this region fell to the Tibet . The people started modeling then selves according 
to the Tibetian culture and embraced Bhuddism..
Since Pakistan gained control of the region in 1948, Urdu words have been introduced into local dialects and languages, including Balti. In modern times, Balti has no native names or vocabulary for dozens of newly invented and introduced things; instead, Urdu and English words are being used in Balti.

It is a language spoken by 0.2 percent of the people of Pakistan as their mother tongue. It has been estimated that about Half a million people in Pakistan speak Balti. 
According to research conducted by UNESCO, this language is dying. I can confirm it because there have been no conspicuous measures taken, in our  country(Pakistan)  to save it. We don’t get basic education in our native language. And, also native speakers seems less interested in it. There are a lot of Balti families living in large cities of Pakistan who don’t speak it at all.
The main script for writing Balti is the local adaptation of the Tibetian alphabets which is called yige in baltiyul , but now it is often written in the persian script . Which again is an alarming situation as more than 95 percent of the people can not write Balti in it's original script.
Though steps have been taken at local level to promote this language . Different academies teach Balti language and scripture , But these steps are at very small level . Untill or unless any major governmental organization steps into protect this language , It will be matter of time when this language dies. 


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