Remembering a hero on his birthday ( Major W A Brown)
On this day exactly 96 years ago a boy was born in Scotland . Belonging to a family that had served the royal army of Britain for decades . This boy was destined to become an Army officer himself. His father had served the British Army during World War I, and had been awarded the Military Cross. This boy who was known as Willie to his friends later on Joined Royal Army and became Major William Alexander Brown .
In 1941 he moved to British India . He was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant into Frontier Force regiment. After serving in Waziristan he was stationed as Assistant political agent of Chilas ( Gilgit Baltistan ). For the next three years he served in Gilgit region . During his stay in Gilgit he learnt two major languages spoken in this region 'Shina and Burushki' .
Most of the people of Gilgit Baltistan don't even know about Major Brown and his role in the Gilgit's struggle of independence as most would refer to Colonel Hassan Khan as the main protagonist in this struggle. This is so , as most would like to romanticize about the heroic deeds of a person who is among themselves . Mr Brown was a British and the people of sub-continent , who had been ruled by British for 90 years would never accept a British as pioneer of their(Gilgiti) freedom fighter . Lets face the reality.
The Viceroy Lord Mountbatten, had decided that the Gilgit Agency , was going to be returned to the Dogra ruler Maharaja Hari Singh. The reason for this step is still unclear as this region had a 99% percent Muslim population. Major Brown was asked to work under Brigadier Ghansara Singh the representative of the Maharaja as Commandant of the Gilgit Scouts.
In his book he has clearly described that , He was intending to be loyal to Maharaja only if he would remain neutral .He said that
“A good decision would be announcing Kashmir as an independent country. And the worse option will be joining hands with India”.
Major William Brown and Captain Mathieson along with the Gilgit scout started this movement who were then joined by Colonel Hassan Khan and the 6th Jammu and Kashmir light infantry .
The state of Gilgit was pro-claimed on 1st November 1947 . Shah Raees Khan became the president of this newly born state and colonel Hassah Khan took charge as the Army chief . Mr Brown was not given any office in this state because of his religious believes . As it was said by Mirza Hassan Khan to Major Brown
; “Now , Major Brown,we are all very grateful for the help you gave us last night.But you must understand that this blow and all succeeding blows are being struck in the name of Islam,and since you are a non-Muslim we regret that we cannot allow you to join our glorious bnd of Ghazis and take oart in our Jehad.This off course applies to Captain Mathieson as well”.
On 17th November the short lived state of Gilgit came to an end when it was annexed into Pakistan.Major Brown continued his service in India and Pakistan . It is stated that once he was attacked by some Sikhs when he was stationed in Calcutta because of this involvement in the movement .
In July 1948 William Brown was awarded the MBE (Military) . On 14th August 1993, the medal Sitara-i-Pakistan was awarded to his widow as a posthumous recognition by Pakistan of his great contribution.
On 5 December 1984 , William Brown died after a sudden heart attack.
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