Languages spoken by people of Gilgit Baltistan

Most of the villages of Gilgit Baltistan are surrounded by mountains ,  that's why for a long span of time they didn't had any source of communication .
That is why more than 7 different languages are spoken in Gilgit Baltistan
These languages belong to two major families.

  • Indo-Iranian
  1. Indo-Aryan
  2. Iranian
  • Sino Tibetian
  1. Tibeto-Burmese

  • Indo-Iranian 

Most of the people of GB speak Indo Aryanic languages . They are mostly concentrated in the Westren and southern side of GB . The indo-Aryanic languages spoken in Gilgit Baltistan are Dardic languages which can be further classified as

  1. Shina
  2. Burushuski
  3. Kohistani
  4. Khowar
  5. Gojri
The Iranian Languages spoken in Gilgit Baltistan are the Eastern Iranian languages . Mostly these Iranian languages are classified as Pamiri Languages . These are mostly spoken inthe North Western side of the province
  1. Wakhi

  • Sino-Tibetian
Most of the people of Baltistan speak a Sino Tibetian language . This is the only Language spoken in  Pakistan that belongs to Sino Tibetian language family. This language falls in the Tibeto Burmese sub group of Sino Tibetian family. It is spoken in the Eastern side of GB.

  1. Balti



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